Sailors SocietyBühler GmbHPort of South LouisianaViganTelestackTMS Awards 2023
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  • Sailors Society


Scrubbers perform better than required

(Posted on 02/03/20)

Scrubber reliability and their emissions reducing efficiency were addressed in February during a technical seminar in which members of the Clean Shipping Alliance (CSA) 2020 reported on the installation and performance of their respective exhaust gas cleaning systems.A shipowner panel comprising Grimaldi Group, Genco Shipping and...

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DNV GL launches “decade of transformations” fund

(Posted on 02/03/20)

DNV GL, the risk management and system assurance company, has launched a venture fund in response to the challenges of the “decade of transformations,” which will be defined by the energy transition and the fourth industrial revolution. DNV GL Ventures will build a portfolio of between 15-20 startups in the next four...

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Fake certificates endanger seafarers

Fake certificates endanger seafarers

(Posted on 28/02/20)

The problem of fraudulent certificates is well-known and pronounced in the maritime industry. Already in 2001 the IMO detected 12.635 cases of certification forgery. While this figure is shocking enough, there is no way of knowing how many other cases have gone undetected.While the scale of the problem is unquantifiable, the fact...

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Wilhelm Wilhelmsen dies aged 82

Wilhelm Wilhelmsen dies aged 82

(Posted on 28/02/20)

Wilhelm Wilhelmsen (born 8 June 1937) passed away on 22 February. Through a long career, he was a very well-respected business leader and spokesperson for Norwegian shipping and the maritime industry at large.Wilhelm Wilhelmsen represented the fourth-generation family owner of the Wilhelmsen group, a maritime industry group established...

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Boosts for PISR in Far East

(Posted on 28/02/20)

Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) has appointed Panahon Marine Surveys Services Pte Ltd in Singapore as one of its new Deputy Registrars in the Far East as it continues to develop its global presence in the shipping world.PISR has been recruiting the brightest, best and most respected Deputy Registrars in the shipping world...

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ClassNK’s Digital Grand Design 2030

(Posted on 28/02/20)

Leading Classification Society ClassNK has developed its “ClassNK Digital Grand Design 2030”.In recent years, with the growing need for ESG investment and SDGs management, social transformation utilizing digital technology is rapidly progressing. In the maritime industry, attempts are being made to create new value by...

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Geneva DryTBA GroupCimbriaVan AalstPort of Stockton
  • TMS Awards 2023
  • TBA Group

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