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More shipboard oxygen required

(Posted on 16/07/20)

Leading maritime safety specialist Survitec is highlighting the need to ensure there is sufficient medical oxygen onboard vessels in the event of crews and passengers becoming ill with a respiratory infection.While the IMDG Code and MFAG guidelines require operators to carry 44 litres of medical oxygen at 200 bar as minimum, Survitec...

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North calls for crew repatriation action

North calls for crew repatriation action

(Posted on 10/07/20)

Leading International Group (IG) Protection and Indemnity member, North P&I has urged maritime stakeholders to seize the opportunity provided by a UK Government summit on July 9th to establish an international action plan to deal with the crew repatriation crisis resulting from COVID-19.Led by UK Maritime Minister Kelly Tolhurst...

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ClassNK joins ISAC

ClassNK joins ISAC

(Posted on 10/07/20)

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) has joined the Maritime Transportation System Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (MTS-ISAC) as part of a growing list of maritime community partners. This is an innovative relationship between the two nonprofit organizations aimed at strengthening vessel and shoreside cyber risk management. The...

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Sailors’ Society appoints Sara Baade new CEO

Sailors’ Society appoints Sara Baade new CEO

(Posted on 10/07/20)

Global maritime charity Sailors’ Society has announced the appointment of Sara Baade as its new Chief Executive Officer, starting in September 2020.Sara has a strong background in management and strategic policy and brings extensive experience in leading an international welfare charity from her current role as CEO of The...

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Bahamas is top non-European registry

(Posted on 10/07/20)

Highlighting The Bahamas’ reputation as a premier register, the Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) is delighted to once again be ranked the top non-European ship register and in the top three of all registries in the recently released Paris MoU White List rankings on port state inspection performance.The Bahamas has consistently...

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ICS launches engine room safety guidance

ICS launches engine room safety guidance

(Posted on 06/07/20)

The design, complexity and arrangement of engine rooms across the global shipping fleet vary far more widely than for bridges, and yet until today there has been no dedicated guidance for safe engine room operations. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has met this challenge and published the ICS Engine Room Procedures Guide...

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TelestackPort of South LouisianaCimbriaTMS Awards 2023Port of Stockton
  • Geneva Dry
  • Cimbria
  • Port of South Louisiana

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