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Sailors’ Society launches expanded wellness campaign

Sailors’ Society launches expanded wellness campaign

(Posted on 21/05/21)

Shipping companies are being invited to sign up to a free mental health and wellbeing campaign offering support not just to crews, but also their families and shore staff.International maritime charity Sailors’ Society has expanded its Wellness at Sea Awareness Campaign to include families and shore staff. The 27-week campaign...

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Women at sea still face gender discrimination

Women at sea still face gender discrimination

(Posted on 17/05/21)

How can shipping companies support women seafarers’ mental wellbeing and eradicate gender discrimination and are they doing enough? These were some of the topics that Sophia Onken, Partner and Clinical Psychologist at Mental Health Support Solutions (MHSS), discussed during the ‘Wellbeing For Women In Shipping’...

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Back UN initiative with enforcement says SRI

Back UN initiative with enforcement says SRI

(Posted on 17/05/21)

Amid growing fears of an impending escalation of the humanitarian crisis facing seafarers, SRI, the international pan-industry body researching maritime and seafarers’ law, applauds the recent initiative from United Nations Agencies to protect seafarers’ rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. Urging all cargo owners and...

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Low sulphur fuel adds $20,000 to operation costs

Low sulphur fuel adds $20,000 to operation costs

(Posted on 17/05/21)

The introduction of rules last year to reduce ship sulphur emissions is resulting in a significant hike in operational expenditure for ship managers, with the use of low and very low sulphur fuel potentially resulting in system and engine damage.Speaking recently during a webinar organised by trade association management company...

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First maritime slips, trips and falls poster

First maritime slips, trips and falls poster

(Posted on 11/05/21)

Maritime Progress, a major player in the photoluminescent marine signage arena has developed a new Slips, Trips & Falls poster designed specifically for the Marine Industry.Deborah Egan, Director commented “Slips, trips, and falls remain the main cause of incidents leading to injury for seafarers but the unique nature...

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New bunker alerts for next generation loss prevention

(Posted on 11/05/21)

A new release of The Swedish Club’s Trade Enabling Loss Prevention tool (TELP), the next generation of loss prevention, has just been launched to Club members.In addition to real time personalised loss prevention advice, tailored to their location, and voyage profile TELP 2.0 now provides members with targeted Bunker Alerts...

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