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Ports & Logistics

Bulk stable in Antwerp Q1 growth

Bulk stable in Antwerp Q1 growth

(Posted on 14/04/20)

The total freight volume handled by Port of Antwerp rose by 4.0% in the first quarter compared with the same period last year. The impact of the corona crisis remained limited in the first three months of the year.The dry bulk volume at the end of the first quarter was slightly up, by 1.2%. During this period three times as much...

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Duluth welcomes Federal Churchill

Duluth welcomes Federal Churchill

(Posted on 14/04/20)

The Duluth Seaway Port Authority has welcomed the first oceangoing vessel to the Port of Duluth-Superior thereby officially launching the 2020 international shipping season. The number one tonnage port on the Great Lakes, Duluth-Superior moves some 35 million short tons of cargo annually. The multimodal hub anchors the Great Lakes...

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Brenninkmeijer new CEO of NPRC

Brenninkmeijer new CEO of NPRC

(Posted on 09/04/20)

Europe’s largest cooperative in inland-waterway shipping, NPRC, will welcome Femke Brenninkmeijeras its new CEO on the 1st of June 2020.Brenninkmeijer is currently head of the Energy, Cargo andOffshore division at the Port of Amsterdam. By choosing Brenninkmeijer, NPRC haschosen a woman with a lot of drive, who is striving...

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Pandemic reduces cargo at Long Beach

(Posted on 09/04/20)

The Port of Long Beach continued to feel the economic effects of COVID-19 in March with more cancelled sailings and a decline in cargo shipped through the USA’s second-busiest seaport.Overseas health concerns over the coronavirus caused 19 cancelled sailings to the Port of Long Beach during the opening quarter of 2020, which...

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BPA launches virus information hub

BPA launches virus information hub

(Posted on 06/04/20)

The British Ports Association (BPA) has launched a new information resource for UK ports dealing with the coronavirus outbreak.The ports industry undertakes a vital role in the UK economy, facilitating trade, fuel, energy, fishing, recreation and tourism. All tiers of Government and the industry are committed to UK ports staying...

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Sept-Îles research commitment

Sept-Îles research commitment

(Posted on 06/04/20)

The Port of Sept-Îles and INREST Northern Institute for Research in Environment and Occupational Health and Safety have welcomed the Canadian CoastGuard’s research icebreaker Amundsen. The Amundsen carries the Odyssée Saint-Laurentresearch program’s third winter oceanography mission, collecting advanced...

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