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Ports & Logistics

Highest volumes for a decade at Hamilton

(Posted on 22/01/19)

The Hamilton Port Authority’s 2018 cargo results are in, revealing the highest volume of cargo handled through the port in more than a decade. The Port of Hamilton is the seventh largest port in Canada by volume, and the largest in Ontario.More than 11.6 million metric tonnes of cargo was imported or exported through the Port...

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Kangaroo Island MoU with Flinders Ports

(Posted on 22/01/19)

Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers has announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Flinders Ports Pty Ltd, under which the parties will work together on an exclusive basis to achieve a port operating model that is designed to produce an optimal solution for the port owner, port operator and port users...

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Port Hedland looks to the future

Port Hedland looks to the future

(Posted on 14/01/19)

An Expression of Interest has been completed and Pilbara Ports Authority has short-listed two respondents interested in investing to build and operate a new general cargo facility at the Port of Port Hedland. The Port of Port Hedland is the world’s largest bulk export port and plays a critical role in facilitating the export...

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Records and progress at Dunkerque-Port

(Posted on 14/01/19)

Dunkerque-Port's annual traffic reached 51.6 MT last year, up 3% compared with 2017 (50.2 MT).Solid bulk traffic increased 5% to 25.91 MT. Ore traffic set a new record, for the first time passing the 15 MT mark, driven by the activity of the ArcelorMittal plant in Dunkerque, but also by the very good figures for transshipment flows...

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ESPO adopts report position

(Posted on 14/01/19)

The Transport Committee of the European Parliament has adopted its position on the Commission proposal for a regulation establishing a European Maritime Single Window Environment. In many ways, the adopted Clune report improves the Commission proposal and is a solid basis for finding a compromise with the Council on this long awaited...

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2018 a record year for Antwerp

2018 a record year for Antwerp

(Posted on 07/01/19)

2018 looks set to be a record year for the Port of Antwerp for the sixth time in a row, with growth in all types of cargo and a recent wave of investments. This confirms the port's attraction and further establishes its position as a world-class player that is also home to the largest integrated chemical cluster in Europe. Crucially...

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