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Ports & Logistics

Brenninkmeijer new CEO of NPRC

Brenninkmeijer new CEO of NPRC

(Posted on 09/04/20)

Europe’s largest cooperative in inland-waterway shipping, NPRC, will welcome Femke Brenninkmeijeras its new CEO on the 1st of June 2020.Brenninkmeijer is currently head of the Energy, Cargo andOffshore division at the Port of Amsterdam. By choosing Brenninkmeijer, NPRC haschosen a woman with a lot of drive, who is striving...

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Pandemic reduces cargo at Long Beach

(Posted on 09/04/20)

The Port of Long Beach continued to feel the economic effects of COVID-19 in March with more cancelled sailings and a decline in cargo shipped through the USA’s second-busiest seaport.Overseas health concerns over the coronavirus caused 19 cancelled sailings to the Port of Long Beach during the opening quarter of 2020, which...

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BPA launches virus information hub

BPA launches virus information hub

(Posted on 06/04/20)

The British Ports Association (BPA) has launched a new information resource for UK ports dealing with the coronavirus outbreak.The ports industry undertakes a vital role in the UK economy, facilitating trade, fuel, energy, fishing, recreation and tourism. All tiers of Government and the industry are committed to UK ports staying...

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Sept-Îles research commitment

Sept-Îles research commitment

(Posted on 06/04/20)

The Port of Sept-Îles and INREST Northern Institute for Research in Environment and Occupational Health and Safety have welcomed the Canadian CoastGuard’s research icebreaker Amundsen. The Amundsen carries the Odyssée Saint-Laurentresearch program’s third winter oceanography mission, collecting advanced...

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ABL builds platform to expand transshipment

ABL builds platform to expand transshipment

(Posted on 31/03/20)

Asian Bulk Logistics’ transhipment alone has reached 32 million tons in 2019, and the company now owns or operates a fleet of 10 transshippers, floating cranes, and about 100 tugs and barges.PT. Asian Bulk Logistics (ABL), Jakarta is a ship owner and operator endeavouring to provide comprehensive logistics support primarily...

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Milwaukee activity up despite COVID-19

Milwaukee activity up despite COVID-19

(Posted on 31/03/20)

The challenges presented by COVID-19 and the associated public health precautions have not stopped commercial activity at Port Milwaukee. Transportation operations including rail, trucking, and shipping continue on Jones Island. Port tenants and terminal facilities on Jones Island remain in operation to the extent allowed under...

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