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Ports & Logistics

Liverpool’s boost for UK agriculture

Liverpool’s boost for UK agriculture

(Posted on 24/04/19)

Global animal feed trader and supply chain leader ADM Agriculture (formerly ADM Arkady) has completed its £7.4m expansion at the Port of Liverpool, providing the equivalent of two football pitches of extra capacity for trade in bulk agricultural goods. This makes the Liverpool animal feed store the largest in the UK.In 2018...

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NSR of interest for Hamburg

(Posted on 24/04/19)

For the Russian state-owned enterprise Rosatom, the Northern Sea Route – NSR that is approx. 4,800 kilometres long, has enormous potential for shipping and cargo transport. According to Rosatom, in 2018 some 20.2 million tons of cargo was carried on the Arctic sea trade. Year-round navigability along the NSR should be achieved...

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Vancouver hosts open houses on Land Use Plan

(Posted on 24/04/19)

The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority is hosting two public open houses on the following proposed amendments to its Land Use Plan:The port authority recently acquired three properties in Vancouver, Surrey and Delta.The port authority entered into a long-term lease (60 years) with the Province of B.C. on a site in Delta.The designation...

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Dunkerque posts sharp rise in trade

Dunkerque posts sharp rise in trade

(Posted on 18/04/19)

After an exceptional month of March (5.22 MT), Dunkerque-Port has closed the first quarter pf 2019 with an increase in overall traffic of 5% compared with the previous year. With monthly traffic figures of more than 5 MT in March, Dunkerque-Port is approaching its historic monthly record established in April 2008 (5.29 MT), before...

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Rotterdam up 5.1% despite iron ore fall

(Posted on 18/04/19)

In the first quarter of 2019, 5.1% more freight passed through the Port of Rotterdam than in the same period last year. In total, 123.9 million tonnes were handled compared with 117.8 million tonnes in the same period in 2018. The increase mainly concerned the throughput of containers (+7.3% in TEU, +5.9% in tonnes) and fuels. Mineral...

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Le Havre welcomes good 2018

(Posted on 18/04/19)

The Supervisory Board of the Port of Le Havre which met on 26 March 2019 has welcomed the good financial results for 2018, which demonstrate a significant improvement in the port's situation and the restoration of its internal financing capacity. The balance sheet allows the port to carry out the ambitious investment programme voted...

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