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Liebherr USA celebrates groundbreaking of new headquarters

Liebherr USA celebrates groundbreaking of new headquarters

(Posted on 02/08/18)

Members of the Liebherr family, Executive Management and Newport News city officials gathered last week for a groundbreaking ceremony on site in Copeland Industrial Park to celebrate the construction of the new Liebherr USA, Co. headquarters.The commencement of this $45 million expansion project marks the beginning of an exciting...

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Wärtsilä 20 engine attracts COSCO Bulk Shipping

Wärtsilä 20 engine attracts COSCO Bulk Shipping

(Posted on 26/07/18)

The technology group Wärtsilä has received a series of notable orders for the upgraded version of its Wärtsilä 20 engine. A total of 33 engines have been ordered for merchant auxiliary power application in three major shipbuilding projects. The orders, which were booked in June, have been contracted with Wä...

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KVH Videotel launches task-based competency

(Posted on 26/07/18)

KVH Videotel has announced a new feature of its innovative Videotel Performance Manager service that provides the ability to structure task-based competency assessments for seafarers on any given subject and monitor progress as they develop their skills. Evaluating and documenting the competency of seafarers and enabling them to...

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Thyssenkrupp to supply handling systems for power plants

(Posted on 26/07/18)

Thyssenkrupp has won a contract from Doosan Power Systems India (DPSI) to supply material handling plants for two thermal power projects in Uttar Pradesh, India. The order is worth a total of around USD 115 million and includes engineering, delivery and installation of two complete coal handling systems, including associated structural...

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High-sulphur fuels with emissions abatement technology to give owners ROI

High-sulphur fuels with emissions abatement technology to give owners ROI

(Posted on 19/07/18)

With more shipowners opting to install marine exhaust gas cleaning systems to their fleets, together with the publication of a UMAS report putting paid to the notion that LNG is a viable way of meeting emissions rules, could high-sulphur fuels remain the shipowners’ fuel of choice for meeting emissions requirements?Marc Sima...

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IHMA announces first ever Port Operations Awards

(Posted on 19/07/18)

IHMA is delighted that its initiative to introduce awards highlighting the contribution of people and organisations to port operations has met with such a positive response. The first ever IHMA awards were announced at the Association’s biennial Congress Dinner held at the Headquarters of the International Maritime Organization...

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Geneva DryCimbriaTBA GroupTelestackPort of South Louisiana
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  • Bühler GmbH

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