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Damen festival showcases workboats

Damen festival showcases workboats

(Posted on 11/10/18)

Damen Shipyards Gorinchem has hosted the Damen group’s third annual Workboat Festival. The event brought together over 200 customers, media and industry partners, and 34 workboats, for an afternoon of presentations, demonstrations, product displays and interactive exhibits.The workboats ranged in size from ten-metre Stan Launches...

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Conveyor belt cleaner for tight spaces

(Posted on 11/10/18)

A global leader in conveyor belt cleaning technologies has introduced a new design specifically for applications where space for installation is limited. The new SQC2STM RM (Reduced Mini) Cleaner from Martin Engineering is a compact secondary belt cleaner that allows installation in close quarters, built with a narrow profile that...

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UK’s largest marine simulation centre opts for Wärtsilä

(Posted on 11/10/18)

The technology group Wärtsilä has been selected to provide a full scope of marine simulators for a new training facility at Solent University’s Warsash School of Maritime Science and Engineering, located in Southampton, England.Scheduled to complete in spring 2019, it will be the largest marine simulation training...

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Goeyvaerts-R ‘s 15th Konecranes Gottwald MHC

Goeyvaerts-R ‘s 15th Konecranes Gottwald MHC

(Posted on 04/10/18)

Konecranes has won another order from Goeyvaerts-R bvba (Goeyvaerts), a rental crane expert. The order was placed in the third quarter of 2018 and the crane will be delivered to Antwerp in November 2018. It will be Goeyvaerts’ 15th Konecranes Gottwald mobile harbor crane and the largest crane in their fleet.Goeyvaerts will...

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Power Equipment expands partnership with Superior

(Posted on 04/10/18)

Superior Industries, Inc., a U.S.-based manufacturer and global supplier of bulk material processing and handling systems, is expanding its partnership with longtime conveying equipment dealer, Power Equipment Company. In addition to conveyors and conveyor components, the Denver, Colorado-based dealer of heavy equipment for aggregates...

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Thordon’s new agreement

(Posted on 04/10/18)

Thordon Bearings has confirmed it signed a new sales and distribution agreement. The agreement with Spain’s Echetalde, signed on 5th September, replaces the agreement with Thordon’s previous distributor in the region, Echelan Thor, following the retirement of its founder Pedro Echevarri, after 30 years of working with...

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