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Superior expands Rock Machinery dealer territory

(Posted on 11/04/23)

Superior Industries, Inc., a Minnesota-based manufacturer and global supplier of bulk material processing and handling systems, recently announced an expansion of its dealer partnership with Rock Machinery. In addition to exclusively representing Superior’s crushing equipment in Wisconsin and Illinois, Rock Machinery now supports...

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Guinea’s Winning Logistics bolsters bauxite fleet with Konecranes barge cranes

Guinea’s Winning Logistics bolsters bauxite fleet with Konecranes barge cranes

(Posted on 31/03/23)

Konecranes has won an order for two Konecranes Gottwald Cranes on Barge from Winning Logistics in Guinea. After on-site commissioning in Q3 2024, Winning will operate a total of ten Konecranes Gottwald Cranes on Barge, loading ships with bauxite off the West African coast.Konecranes Gottwald Cranes on Barge are specially designed...

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Wärtsilä’s world-first derating solution for two-stroke engines

Wärtsilä’s world-first derating solution for two-stroke engines

(Posted on 31/03/23)

Technology group Wärtsilä has introduced a new radical derating retrofit solution – Wärtsilä Fit4Power - to extend the emissions-compliant lifetime of merchant vessels by providing the existing two-stroke fleet with leaner, healthier and more optimised engines.This new advanced retrofit solution enables...

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Zanzinger: shipping not capitalising on digitalisation opportunities

(Posted on 31/03/23)

Thomas Zanzinger, CEO of Ocean Technologies Group (OTG), outlined why he thought many maritime businesses were not capitalising on the opportunities that digitalisation affords them, speaking at CMA Shipping’s conference,.He explained that digitising the analogue information in a business was only the first step and that companies...

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DNV upgrades AFI platform to promote data-sharing and zero-carbon transition

DNV upgrades AFI platform to promote data-sharing and zero-carbon transition

(Posted on 28/03/23)

DNV has enhanced its Alternative Fuels Insight (AFI) data platform as part of an effort to accelerate the decarbonization of shipping. The upgrade includes the addition of new fuel types, improved fuel price monitoring supported by Argus, and a crowdsourcing feature to gain input from its users.“Our recent upgrade of the AFI...

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East African cement operator orders Siwertell road-mobile ship unloader

East African cement operator orders Siwertell road-mobile ship unloader

(Posted on 24/03/23)

Bruks Siwertell has secured an order for a next-generation Siwertell road-mobile ship unloader, which is destined to deliver extremely efficient, environment-friendly cement handling in East Africa.“The undisputed high capacity and reliability of the Siwertell 15 000 S, the largest road-mobile unloading system available on...

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