TMS Awards 2023Bühler GmbHCimbriaPort of StocktonPort of South LouisianaGeneva Dry
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Survitec sets new standard

(Posted on 10/09/19)

Safety and survival partner Survitec has introduced a completely new lifejacket designed to provide helicopter transfer passengers with a level of safety, comfort and in-water performance not currently available in the energy aviation sector.Unveiled today at the SPE Offshore Europe exhibition, in Aberdeen, Scotland, the Halo passenger...

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thyssenkrupp ships ore handling system

thyssenkrupp ships ore handling system

(Posted on 03/09/19)

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions is developing and building a new materials handlingsystem for one of the most remote and challenging locations in the world: an iron ore port innorthern Canada. Recently, the first plants were shipped completely pre-assembled fromBremerhaven, Germany, to Baffin Island.Baffinland Iron Ore Mines Corporation...

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MacGregor secures hatch cover project

(Posted on 03/09/19)

MacGregor, part of Cargotec, secured a turnkey contract to deliver four shipsets of weather deck hydraulic operated folding hatch covers for 8,000 dwt coal carriers. The turnkey project includes design and key components, fabrication and transportation of hatch covers as well as commissioning of the complete system at Cochin shipyard...

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Integrators select ACO marine separators

(Posted on 03/09/19)

ACO Marine has noticed an increase in orders directly from other system integrators and original equipment manufacturers, some of whom manufacturer their own sewage treatment plants.Between July and October this year, ACO Marine, a division of the US$1 billion ACO Group, was awarded contracts to deliver Lipator grease separators...

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Liebherr celebrates TCC 78000 inauguration

Liebherr celebrates TCC 78000 inauguration

(Posted on 03/09/19)

During a recent ceremony, Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH officially inaugurated its new heavy-duty gantry crane TCC 78000at the Rostock Overseas Port. It will not only support the family businessLiebherr with the loading and assembly of ever larger maritime cranes from itsown production, but will also offer other companies the opportunity...

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thyssenkrupp equips major Russian seaports

thyssenkrupp equips major Russian seaports

(Posted on 28/08/19)

thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions has supplied a new coal handling system to the State TransportLeasing Company (STLC) in Russia. The system will be the centrepiece of a new terminal forcoal exports in the port of Lavna near Murmansk, on the western shore of Kola Bay. With aplanned capacity of 18 million tons of coal per year the...

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