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UK agri welcomes government decision to drop retained EU law plans

UK agri welcomes government decision to drop retained EU law plans

(Posted on 12/05/23)

The UK Government's decision to abandon plans to review all EU-derived legislation by the end of 2023 has been welcomed by the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC). The UK Business Secretary Kemi Badenoch announced that the Government would instead seek to repeal or reform around 600 EU laws, instead of the 4,000 initially...

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USA’s NGFA supports proposal to remove ‘Soybeans of Other Colors’

USA’s NGFA supports proposal to remove ‘Soybeans of Other Colors’

(Posted on 08/05/23)

The USA’s National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and 42 other agricultural groups have expressed support for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposal to remove “Soybeans of Other Colors” (SBOC) as a grading factor for determining soybean quality.“The continued inclusion of SBOC in the...

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BHP completes OZ Minerals acquisition

BHP completes OZ Minerals acquisition

(Posted on 02/05/23)

BHP has announced the completion of the OZ Minerals acquisition and implementation of the scheme of arrangement for BHP Lonsdale Investments Pty Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of BHP Group Limited, to acquire 100% of the shares in OZ Minerals Limited (OZL) (the Scheme). BHP Group Limited is now the ultimate parent company of...

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ADM Milling project maps carbon emissions in wheat supply chain

ADM Milling project maps carbon emissions in wheat supply chain

(Posted on 02/05/23)

ADM, global leader in nutrition, and one of the leading flour millers in the UK, has for the first time calculated the emissions from the production of wheat in its UK supply chain.The pilot – undertaken by ADM Milling – is also one of the first led by a major food manufacturing company in the UK to calculate the emissions...

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US Soy growers ask House Ag Committee to help protect crop insurance

US Soy growers ask House Ag Committee to help protect crop insurance

(Posted on 28/04/23)

Speaking on behalf of the American Soybean Association and his fellow soy growers, ASA President Daryl Cates, Columbia, Illinois, addressed the need for mitigating farmers’ risks both in the field and beyond. Cates was invited to testify before the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities...

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Rio Tinto acquires high-grade scandium project in Australia

Rio Tinto acquires high-grade scandium project in Australia

(Posted on 28/04/23)

Rio Tinto has entered into a binding agreement to acquire the Platina Scandium Project, a high-grade scandium resource in New South Wales, from Platina Resources Limited (ASX: PGM) for $14 million.The project, near Condobolin in central New South Wales, comprises a long life, high-grade scalable resource that could produce up to...

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