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Rio Tinto discloses tax details

(Posted on 09/04/20)

Rio Tinto paid $7.6 billion in taxes and royalties globally in 2019, including $4.8 billion of corporate tax, as detailed in its latest Taxes paid report.The majority of its taxes were paid in Australia ($6.2 billion), home to the largest part of Rio Tinto’s business. The company also made significant payments in Chile ($311...

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NGFA provides new COVID-19 resources

NGFA provides new COVID-19 resources

(Posted on 06/04/20)

The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) in the USA has made several resources available intended to assist grain, feed, processing and export companies navigate the uncertainties of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), including a recording of NGFA’s April 2 webinar presented in partnership with Grain Journal.During the &...

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BHP backs controls to support WA communities

(Posted on 06/04/20)

BHP is well prepared for the stronger border controls being brought in by the West Australian Government and will continue to implement measures to protect the health and safety of its people, their families and the communities in which it operates, said BHP WA Iron Ore Acting Asset President Tim Day.“We fully support the...

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thyssenkrupp to build Cameroon cement plant

thyssenkrupp to build Cameroon cement plant

(Posted on 31/03/20)

thyssenkrupp is to fit the first cement plant with a system for the production of calcined clayfor the Dutch-based company Cimpor Global Holdings. The technology developed bythyssenkrupp lowers CO2 emissions in cement production by up to 40 percent. It involvesreplacing part of the cement clinker with calcined, i.e. thermally activated...

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Exemption for all agricultural haulers

(Posted on 31/03/20)

In a letter to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in the USA, the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and 53 other agricultural groups have urged that the agency grant relief from federal drive time rules for all truck drivers hauling agricultural goods.“As trucking capacity and the availability...

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Rio Tinto slows some operations

Rio Tinto slows some operations

(Posted on 26/03/20)

As a result of separate actions by the Premier of Quebec and the President of South Africa to contain the spread of COVID-19, Rio Tinto will slow down some of its operations.At Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) in South Africa Rio Tinto will curtail production in compliance with a directive from the Government aimed at containing the...

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