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Rio Tinto engages on enhanced advocacy in line with Paris Agreement

Rio Tinto engages on enhanced advocacy in line with Paris Agreement

(Posted on 11/04/23)

In the lead up to its Annual General Meetings, Rio Tinto is engaging with investor and civil society organisations on an enhanced approach to advocacy to support the decarbonisation of its operations, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.The discussions have highlighted the need for greater transparency and conversation...

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Bunge announces changes to board of directors

Bunge announces changes to board of directors

(Posted on 31/03/23)

Bunge Limited has announced that Kathleen Hyle, non-executive chairperson of the Board of Directors, and Erik Fyrwald, director, have informed the Company that they do not intend to seek re-election to their Board positions when their current terms expire on 11 May, 2023, the date of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders...

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Rio Tinto and First Quantum Peruvian copper project partnership

Rio Tinto and First Quantum Peruvian copper project partnership

(Posted on 31/03/23)

Rio Tinto and First Quantum Minerals have entered into an agreement to form a joint venture that will work to unlock the development of the La Granja copper project in Peru, one of the largest undeveloped copper deposits in the world.La Granja is a complex orebody located at high altitude in Cajamara, Northern Peru, that has the...

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Call for EU co-legislators to secure clean ammonia production

Call for EU co-legislators to secure clean ammonia production

(Posted on 28/03/23)

Fertilizers Europe has called on EU co-legislators to ensure that clean fertilizer and ammonia production continue to be produced in Europe.Fertilizers Europe represents the interests of the majority of mineral fertilizer manufacturers in the European Union. In a statement they said, “ To keep this key element of food security...

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BHP and Hatch design study for electric smelting furnace pilot

BHP and Hatch design study for electric smelting furnace pilot

(Posted on 24/03/23)

BHP and global engineering, project management and professional services firm, Hatch, have signed an agreement to design an electric smelting furnace pilot (ESF) plant in support of a decision to construct this facility in Australia. The facility will aim to demonstrate a pathway to lower carbon dioxide (CO2) intensity in steel...

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Rio Tinto spends over A$15.3 bn with Australian suppliers

Rio Tinto spends over A$15.3 bn with Australian suppliers

(Posted on 20/03/23)

Rio Tinto increased its spend with Australian suppliers to more than A$15.3 billion in 2022, as part of the company’s ongoing commitment to support communities where it operates.This was an increase of almost 9 per cent on the previous year and was spent with more than 6,200 businesses, including Australian owned and operated...

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Sailors SocietyPort of StocktonGeneva DryPort of South LouisianaBühler GmbH
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