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Shipowners shortchanged over grain cargoes, says Swedish Club

Shipowners shortchanged over grain cargoes, says Swedish Club

(Posted on 28/08/23)

Despite the many and varied categories of cargo damage faced by shipowners transporting grain cargoes, when it comes to claims, it’s actually cargo shortage that they need to be prepared for, says The Swedish Club, in its new publication, Bulker Focus: Carriage of grains and soya beans.In the last five years, the Club&rsquo...

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La Granja joint venture transaction completed

(Posted on 28/08/23)

Rio Tinto and First Quantum Minerals have completed a transaction to form a joint venture that will work to unlock the development of the La Granja project in Peru, one of the largest undeveloped copper deposits in the world.La Granja is a complex orebody located at high altitude in Cajamarca, Northern Peru, that has the potential...

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US Aluminum association marks anniversary of Inflation Reduction Act

US Aluminum association marks anniversary of Inflation Reduction Act

(Posted on 21/08/23)

Aluminum Association president & CEO Charles Johnson released the following statement on the one-year anniversary of President Biden signing the Inflation Reduction Act:“Infrastructure investment is buoying historic industry-sponsored capital spending – more than $6 billion announced for U.S.-based aluminum projects...

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AIC chairs government and stakeholder talks on future for RED II assurance

AIC chairs government and stakeholder talks on future for RED II assurance

(Posted on 14/08/23)

The Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) has chaired a key meeting with the UK Government as it works with the industry to find a resolution to a European Commission (EC) decision which has the potential to affect UK biofuel exports.AIC recently held talks with officials at the UK Department for Transport (DfT), Red Tractor...

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BHP Operational Review for the year ended 30 June 2023

BHP Operational Review for the year ended 30 June 2023

(Posted on 09/08/23)

BHP Chief Executive Officer, Mike Henry has reported that, “The financial year was marked by the deaths of Jody Byrne and Nathan Scholz. These tragic events underscore the absolute importance of safety and we are resolute in our commitment to eliminating fatalities and serious injuries at BHP.“BHP finished the year with...

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Partnership to accelerate green steel transition

Partnership to accelerate green steel transition

(Posted on 09/08/23)

Rio Tinto and H2 Green Steel, an industrial startup establishing large scale production of green steel, have signed a multi-year supply agreement for high grade direct reduction iron ore pellets from Rio Tinto’s Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) operations. Rio Tinto will also purchase and on-sell a part of the surplus low...

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