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Taskforce urges action to deliver CCUS

(Posted on 02/08/18)

A new report to the UK Government says carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) has a key role to play in decarbonising the country and unlocking major economic, social and environmental benefits.The report, Delivering Clean Growth: CCUS Cost Challenge Taskforce Report, makes a series of recommendations towards lowering...

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LINX Cargo Care Group agrees to acquire Pedersen

LINX Cargo Care Group agrees to acquire Pedersen

(Posted on 26/07/18)

LINX Cargo Care Group, and its subsidiary C3 Limited, has announced that it has been successful in its bid to acquire Pedersen Group, a market leading provider of wood chipping and woodyard management services to pulp and paper mills, and forest owners in Australia and New Zealand.Pedersen Group handles over 8.3 million tonnes per...

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GGC Statement on ministry changes

(Posted on 26/07/18)

Grain farmers across Canada welcome the Government’s renewed focus on trade diversification and look forward to working with the new Ministers tasked with delivering on that focus. Hard working grain farmers support the Government’s ambitious trade agenda and will be strong partners for Minister Carr in his role as Minister...

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German coal imports decline sharply

German coal imports decline sharply

(Posted on 19/07/18)

The German Coal Importer Association (Verein der Kohlenimporteure e. V.) have reported that the use of hard coal for power generation in Germany has fallen dramatically in 2017 (-17%). For 2018, a decline of more than 20% is expected. This is mainly due to the increased feed-in of renewable energy sources, in particular wind energy...

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Australian Premier visits Esperance following job save

(Posted on 19/07/18)

The Mineral Resources' acquisition of Koolyanobbing iron ore mine will allow iron ore exports from Esperance to continue with Australia’s state Government working towards a positive outcome for Esperance.Australian Premier, Mark McGowan has moved to reassure Esperance that iron ore exports at the local port remained a...

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World’s largest robot delivers for Rio Tinto

(Posted on 19/07/18)

Rio Tinto has achieved a significant milestone with the first delivery of iron ore by an autonomous train in the Pilbara, Western Australia.The autonomous train, consisting of three locomotives and carrying around 28,000 tonnes of iron ore, travelled over 280 kilometres from Rio Tinto’s mining operations in Tom Price to the...

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  • Geneva Dry
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