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WCA responds to India coal auctions

WCA responds to India coal auctions

(Posted on 19/06/20)

Statement from Michelle Manook, World Coal Association Chief Executive:“The World Coal Association acknowledges the significance of India’s coal auctions in what is recognised as a historic moment for the country. We strongly support all countries in their right to choose coal and clean coal technologies, to deliver...

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Rusal launches new foundry complex

Rusal launches new foundry complex

(Posted on 18/06/20)

RUSAL, a leading global aluminium producer, has announced the commissioning of a new foundry complex at the Boguchansky aluminium smelter with a capacity of 120 thousand tonnes of alloys per year.The new foundry by the Italian company Properzi will produce a qualitatively new product - high silicon aluminium alloy with increased...

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World steel demand to shrink 6.4%

World steel demand to shrink 6.4%

(Posted on 15/06/20)

The World Steel Association (worldsteel) has released its Short Range Outlook (SRO) for 2020 and 2021. In 2020 worldsteel forecasts that steel demand will contract by 6.4%, dropping to 1,654 Mt due to the COVID-19 crisis. In 2021 steel demand is expected to recover to 1,717 Mt, an increase of 3.8 % over 2020.This year’s reduction...

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Rusal tests new inert anode pot

Rusal tests new inert anode pot

(Posted on 12/06/20)

RUSAL , a leading global aluminium producer, has announced that it has commenced testing operations for a pilot industrial electrolytic cell with inert anodes, which has an improved design and a record low carbon footprint.The new pilot model will replace the inert anode electrolytic cell already being tested by RUSAL as the next...

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Cargill progress on sustainability goals

Cargill progress on sustainability goals

(Posted on 08/06/20)

Cargill recently outlined progress against sustainability goals in critical supply chains including aqua nutrition, cocoa and chocolate, palm, soy, ocean transportation and beef. With a focus on advancing progress on land use, climate change, water, farmer prosperity and human rights, the company is working across every supply chain...

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Rusal invests to upgrade SAZ

(Posted on 08/06/20)

RUSAL, a leading global aluminium producer, will invest approximately $190 million in modernising the production of electrodes at its Sayanogorsk Aluminum Smelter (SAZ) between 2020 and 2023. In addition to the positive economic effect this investment will bring, the modernization program will also help reduce the smelter’...

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