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Cargill to deliver sustainable aquaculture feed

(Posted on 10/09/19)

Cargill is expanding its offerings of sustainable alternatives to fishmeal in aqua feed thanks to a new agreement with White Dog Labs. The deal secures access to ProTyton, White Dog Labs’ single-cell protein produced by fermentation with corn feedstock—a sustainable alternative to harvesting fishmeal—which, like...

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NGFA commends inland waterways study

NGFA commends inland waterways study

(Posted on 03/09/19)

The National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and Waterways Council, Inc. (WCI) in the USA have commended the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for releasing a significant new study that quantifies the cost-savings and competitive advantages that would accrue from investing in long-delayed improvements to inland waterways locks...

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Bühler calls for sustainable future

(Posted on 03/09/19)

The world faces urgent challenges in the coming decades as climate change and a growing population make many of our current systems of production unsustainable. Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, former prime minister of Norway and former Director General of the World Health Organization, addressed the 800 experts, leaders, scientists and...

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BHP half-year results highlight growth

BHP half-year results highlight growth

(Posted on 28/08/19)

Higher prices and record production from several of BHP operations contributed to strong operating cash flows during the first half of 2019.The company has used that cash to invest in attractive growth projects across the business and return a record amount to our shareholders.BHP Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Mackenzie said last...

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Bühler revolutionizes industrial milling

(Posted on 28/08/19)

It is a completely new approach to the plant, processes, and machinery of industrial mills. With Mill E3, Bühler revolutionizes the milling industry and sets new standards in cost-effective building investment, project realisation time, and energy consumption. “After the introduction of automation 40 years ago, Mill E3...

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Proposed USDA rules ‘fundamentally flawed’

Proposed USDA rules ‘fundamentally flawed’

(Posted on 19/08/19)

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) new proposed rule for regulating plant-based agricultural biotechnology products, as drafted, is “fundamentally flawed” and could contribute to future trade disruptions, the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and several other grain- and oilseed-based agribusiness...

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