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Rio Tinto completes lease and sale

(Posted on 15/11/18)

Rio Tinto has completed the lease and sale of a wharf and land in Kitimat, British Columbia, to LNG Canada for a consideration of $576 million.LNG Canada, a joint venture comprising Shell, PETRONAS, PetroChina, Mitsubishi Corporation and KOGAS entered into an Option Agreement with Rio Tinto in 2014 for various options to lease or...

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Coal to biomass research project begins

Coal to biomass research project begins

(Posted on 09/11/18)

This month the European ARBAHEAT consortium will start a research project to investigate the conversion of the ENGIE Ultra-SuperCritical coal-fired Rotterdam power plant into a biomass-fired heat and power plant. The innovative technology used to produce the required steam treated biomass has been developed by the Norwegian company...

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UC Rusal’s third quarter results

(Posted on 09/11/18)

 UC Rusal, a leading global aluminium producer, has announced its results for the three and nine months ended 30 September 2018.Key highlights include:Adverse effect of the OFAC sanctions resulted in extraordinary low sales volume reported by the Company in the second quarter of 2018. Compared to this low base level there was...

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BHP announces US$10.4 bn shareholder return programme

BHP announces US$10.4 bn shareholder return programme

(Posted on 01/11/18)

BHP plans to return US$10.4 billion to its shareholders through the combination of an off-market buy-back and a special dividend.The programme will commence immediately with BHP targeting an off-market buy-back of US$5.2 billion (A$7.3 billion)(1) of BHP Billiton Limited shares (Off-Market Buy-Back) under which BHP Billiton Limited...

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Rio Tinto update on Simandou

(Posted on 01/11/18)

The non-binding heads of agreement, originally signed on 28 October 2016, for Chinalco to acquire Rio Tinto's entire interest in the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea has lapsed. Rio Tinto and Chinalco, who respectively own 45.05 per cent and 39.95 per cent of Simandou, will continue to work with the Government of Guinea to explore...

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ASA welcomes Soybean Free Trade Agreements momentum

(Posted on 01/11/18)

Trade negotiations are officially on the horizon with the European Union, Japan and the United Kingdom, continuing the momentum generated by a bilateral deal with South Korea (KORUS) and a renegotiated NAFTA agreement with Mexico and Canada, now the USMCA.The American Soybean Association (ASA) has consistently requested a negotiated...

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