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NI survey into Straits of Malacca and Singapore shipping traffic

(Posted on 27/01/23)

As one of the most important strategic maritime passages in the world, linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the Straits of Malacca and Singapore are already carrying more than 100,000 vessel movements per year. That number is certain to increase in the future with the rapid economic growth in Asia and the development of ports along the Straits. The Nautical Institute (NI) survey will gather data that can be used to improve safety for ships and mariners operating in the region.

Launched by The NI’s Singapore Branch, the survey sets out to identify the heavy demands facing ships’ crew as they negotiate the busy Straits, with particular emphasis on entering and leaving the port of Singapore. The survey also invites respondents to share their views on how the situation could be improved.

Capt Yves Vandenborn FNI, Honorary President of the Singapore Branch of The Nautical Institute, said: “The NI is constantly striving to improve safety for shipping around the world, particularly in regions where the challenges are greatest. There has already been a marked increase in shipping movements in the STRAITREP Sector 7 and it is anticipated that this will increase in coming years. Furthermore, the vessels transiting the Straits are becoming larger and faster adding to the challenges faced by crew.

“We are seeking feedback from the shipping community in order to enhance navigational safety in this region which supports the bulk of maritime trade between Europe and Pacific Asia.”

The Nautical Institute would like to hear from navigating officers with actual and recent experience navigating in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. The survey is online and only takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey can be completed by clicking here or visiting:

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