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MCTC issues coronavirus galley guide

MCTC issues coronavirus galley guide

(Posted on 18/02/20)

MCTC, the leading international catering and training provider, has issued guidance to galley crew who may be affected by vessel or port restrictions during the global coronavirus outbreak.

With some ship operators advising vessels not to dock or restock supplies in certain areas of Asia, MCTC has issued helpful and timely guidelines to galley crew on how to prevent spreading viruses on board through cross-contamination in the kitchen.

Christian Ioannou, Managing Director of MCTC, said: “The alarming spread of the coronavirus and the restrictions being implemented across the maritime sector mean that it’s important galley crew focus on hygiene and ensuring foods are prepared in their designated areas to prevent cross-contamination. As good practice, the company has sent notices to all crew reminding them of the importance of cleanliness and good hygiene practices as a protection against spreading the virus."

MCTC advises seafarers to:

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub to destroy viruses
  • Remain one meter away from other people, especially if coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid contamination by touching hands, eyes and mouth with fingers to avoid transferring the virus to yourself
  • If you cough then cough into your elbow to prevent spreading germs further afield, or ideally into a tissue and then dispose of it
  • If you have a cough, temperature or difficulty breathing tell your Captain or onboard medical support immediately
  • Do not prepare or handle food for others if you are feeling unwell
  • Ensure all food preparation areas are kept spotlessly clean and maintain high standards of hygiene in the galley
  • Follow a robust food storage and handling regime, particularly with regard to raw meat and dairy products

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