(Posted on 16/04/18)
Ship hulls should be protected with a system that lends itself to fast, effective cleaning without risk of damage to the coating and without posing any kind of hazard to the environment. Ecospeed is this system.
There is currently no hull coating available which will not foul. The only way to remove this fouling is to clean it off. The Ecospeed coating has a glassy surface that was designed to be washed without being damaged. This enables fast and efficient fouling control throughout a ship’s entire service life.
Underwater maintenance of Ecospeed is carried out with specially designed underwater hull cleaning tools that simultaneously remove all fouling and optimize the smoothness of the paint surface. It allows divers to clean the flat areas as well as the harder to reach parts of the hull without damaging the coating.
One of the many unique characteristics is that with repeated underwater hull cleaning the coating’s surface improves. Cleaning can be carried out whenever needed, at any point in its lifespan.
Ecospeed can also be cleaned in drydock with high pressure tools. With Ecospeed the coating is always in a brand-new, excellent condition after a high pressure washing and no material is lost. Only the fouling is removed. The coating stays on the ship instead of dispersing in the water and contaminating the shipyard and the surrounding waters.
Several of our customers use this method to have their vessels cleaned. Their ships are
The coating is also suited for ships which have a stationary period because an impermeable and impenetrable barrier is created. This gives the coating its excellent and durable anti-corrosive properties and protects the underwater hull against mechanical damage. Despite the aggressive nature of certain types of fouling, no corrosion or damage to the steel will be present on the underwater hull of the vessel after cleaning. The hard fouling is unable to penetrate or damage the coating.
Ecospeed is 100% non-toxic and there is no negative effect on the water quality or the marine environment during application or maintenance.
The underwater cleaning of Ecospeed prevents the spread of biofouling entirely. The cleaning frequency is optimized to minimize fouling. This prevents macrofouling from building up.
Several major ports have overturned the existing general ban on underwater hull cleaning, specifically making an exception for vessels coated with Ecospeed.
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