(Posted on 14/10/24)
Danica Crewing Specialists has partnered with the Innovative Maritime Emotional Intelligence Centre (IMEQ) to offer a comprehensive service which will help Danica’s ship owners to enhance safety through monitoring the mental health and wellbeing of their seafarers and taking proactive measures to address any areas of concern.
IMEQ’s team of expert psychologists has developed a comprehensive psychosocial risk assessment tool crafted for shipping personnel. Crew members take the assessment, available in 11 languages, anonymously via IMEQ’s user-friendly, maritime-specific platform and it takes only 15 minutes to complete.
Results can be used as a preventive strategy for ship owning companies to target risk factors that can compromise psychological health onboard their fleet.
The psychosocial risk assessment identifies factors like burn-out, workload imbalance, bullying and harassment, etc, to enable crew managers to address issues before they impact ship operations. In addition to supporting crew wellbeing, the system is proven to increase productivity and efficiency onboard, as well as driving professional growth through targeted training.
IMEQ’s AI-generated reporting system produces instant, actionable reports. Using the specially designed dashboard, HR and crew managers can navigate through the detailed findings, identifying issues on particular ships or across whole fleets. IMEQ’s psychologists provide tailored suggestions and recommendations, allowing for quick and effective interventions. The cutting-edge reports can also form an important element of a company’s ESG activities.
Henrik Jensen, Danica CEO, comments: “Seafaring is a challenging job and it’s important to have systems in place to support crew in the workplace. The safety of our crew and the ships they serve on is paramount and the IMEQ service is an important tool assisting us in ensuring safe vessel operations.”
Alexandra Kaloulis, Managing Director of IMEQ Centre, said: “This tool helps us understand the challenges faced by crew and take proactive measures. Partnering with an experienced international crewing specialist like Danica enables us to roll out our new service to seafarers across the globe.”
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