(Posted on 08/04/19)
Leading classification society ClassNK has developed “Guidance for onboard use of Compliant Fuel Oil with SOx regulation from 2020” and an implementation plan sample for switching to compliant fuel oil in order to support the industry in complying with the sulphur cap which will be enforced starting on 1 January 2020, requiring sulphur emission amounts to remain under 0.50%. ClassNK will also provide related appraisal services for the 2020 Sulphur Cap.
Compliant fuel oil is anticipated to include more low-sulphur blendstocks than ever before in addition to light distillates. ClassNK has identified five properties of compliant fuel oil that should be taken into consideration with its use: Compatibility, Low viscosity, Cold flow properties, Cat-fines, and Ignition/Combustion quality. ClassNK released its guidance which explains the basic characteristics of each property, and the potential safety implications associated with them. The guidance is available to download free of charge via ClassNK’s website www.classnk.com for those who have registered for the ClassNK “My Page” service. To register for the “My Page” service free of charge, go to the ClassNK website www.classnk.com and click on the “My Page Login” button.
MEPC Circular “MEPC.1/Circ.878” recommends to create and keep onboard a “Ship Implementation Plan” that shows how ships can prepare for the 0.50% sulphur amounts from the regulation limit. ClassNK has provided a sample entry of this for interested clients.
ClassNK also provides appraisal services to confirm that ship implementation plans include the items listed in MEPC.1/Circ.878. Additionally, it provides other appraisals tailored to individual client needs for confirming facts such as whether a fuel tank has been cleaned before switching to compliant fuel oil etc.
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