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ClassNK grants Innovation Endorsement to Fleet Secure Endpoint

(Posted on 31/05/23)

ClassNK has granted its Innovation Endorsement for Products and Solutions to Inmarsat’s Fleet Secure Endpoint, cybersecurity service for ships.

In order to promote the spread and development of innovative technologies, ClassNK has offered Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions. ClassNK supports the deployment of products and services through third-party certification for equipment and software technology with innovative functions.

Fleet Secure Endpoint is part of Inmarsat’s Fleet Secure suite of vessel network protection solution, developed in partnership with Port-IT. It has functions such as anti-virus, firewall and malware detection, and enables users of the collection, analysis, and sharing of threat information. Fleet Secure Endpoint also provides protection against vulnerabilities on devices and networks that may occur onboard.

On receiving the application from JSAT MOBILE Communications Inc., a joint venture by Inmarsat and other partners, ClassNK has verified the functions of Fleet Secure Endpoint, 1. Continuous network scan for new devices, 2. Support for cybersecurity risk assessments, 3. The asset inventory management of computers on the ship network, 4. Protection of the ship network from cyber threats, 5. Prevention of access to malicious websites, 6. Control of incoming and outgoing traffic with the two-way firewall, 7. The training modules, 8. Monitoring of security threats 24/7 and alerts upon detection 9. Alerts for real time response to cyber threats, 10. Removal of the cyber threat and recovery of the ship network using software, 11. Proposal of improvement plans for the cybersecurity, and issued a certificate to the company.

ClassNK will continue to further promote its Innovation Endorsement for Ships, Products & Solutions, and Providers, and strive to support innovative technologies and initiatives.

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