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Boosts for PISR in Far East

(Posted on 28/02/20)

Palau International Ship Registry (PISR) has appointed Panahon Marine Surveys Services Pte Ltd in Singapore as one of its new Deputy Registrars in the Far East as it continues to develop its global presence in the shipping world.

PISR has been recruiting the brightest, best and most respected Deputy Registrars in the shipping world for the past two years as its fleet grows and ship owners look for a stronger global presence. With the world’s shipping industry starting to recover there is a need to develop the registry’s network of global services and grow the PISR fleet.

Panahon Marine Surveys Services Pte Ltd is an established and leading consultancy service provider in the maritime world operating from Singapore with worldwide services and offering high quality registration solutions and compliance services to ship owners. With an increasing reputation in world shipping, Panahon has joined a growing list of global Deputy Registrars working with PISR.

Matthew Soh, Maritime Manager at Panahon, welcomed the opportunity to join PISR as a strong statement of intent from Panahon.

“This was a great opportunity for Panahon to expand our services and reputation further across the global shipping industry by becoming a Deputy Registrar with Palau. Our reputation in the Far East maritime sector is strong and so the fit with PISR is perfect. There are ship owners we are in contact with who are looking for the best and most reliable maritime services. At Panahon we offer those and with PISR we an offer them an even greater global shipping service.”

Panos Kirnidis, CEO of PISR, sees Panahon as a perfect fit for the registry with their reputation and expertise in shipping in the Far East.

“It is a real pleasure to welcome Panahon as a Deputy Registrar for Palau International Ship Registry as they embody the principles we believe in and ship owners are looking for. Singapore is a global shipping hub and we want to strengthen our presence in this important region by offering a Deputy Registrar that identifies with the Far East and understands global shipping. Panahon is a perfect fit for PISR and we are the ideal partner for them and their clients who are looking to register with a progressive and technologically driven ship registry. PISR is a flag of confidence and with Panahon we will be flying the Palau flag in the Far East with increased confidence.”

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