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North Pacific Green Corridor Consortium forms new corridor

North Pacific Green Corridor Consortium forms new corridor

(Posted on 18/04/24)

Global industry leaders from North America, Asia and Europe have announced the formation of the North Pacific Green Corridor Consortium (NPGCC) whose members and partners will work together to decarbonize the value chain for commodities between North America and Asia.

The NPGCC will apply its collective expertise to develop a corridor for the decarbonized transportation of multiple commodities, including agricultural products, metal concentrates and steelmaking coal. The members of the NPGCC are committed to establishing the consortium as a catalyst for decarbonization efforts, exploring new markets for low carbon fuels in North America and Asia, exploring propulsion options, and showcasing how carbon reduction initiatives can strengthen commercial partnerships.

The NPGCC brings together diverse sections of the value chain including bulk commodity producers, railway and intermodal transportation providers, marine vessel owners and operators, port facilities and port authorities, and clean technology providers. The nine founding members are Canadian National Railway Company (CN), Mitsubishi Canada Ltd., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers, Oldendorff Carriers, Prince Rupert Port Authority, Teck Resources Limited (Teck), Trigon Pacific Terminals, and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority. The NPGCC is open to additional members and partners, in particular end-use customers, to contribute to the development and implementation of the green trade corridor.

The NPGCC's activities will focus on pathways to optimize energy efficiency with the specific goal of advancing projects and infrastructure required to achieve meaningful emissions reductions in the near term. Consideration will be given to the potential production, storage and bunkering of lower-carbon fuels and propulsion options for use by NPGCC members and other parties. The NPGCC will also engage in research, knowledge-sharing, advocacy, member coordination and recruitment to accelerate members’ progress towards their decarbonization objectives.

Board member, Director, Global Engagement & Sustainability, Linda Kongerslev: said,“Oldendorff welcomes this opportunity to work with key coalition partners to drive a decarbonized supply chain. We are continuously looking for ways to reduce the environmental footprint of our shipping services, and the establishment of the North Pacific Green Corridor Consortium is an exciting milestone on this path.”

The NPGCC was initiated in June 2023 when senior representatives of Teck joined Canada’s Minister of Transport at the G7 Transport Ministers’ Summit in Japan to present the vision to the world.

NPGCC members represent approximately 25% of the more than 100 million tonnes of bulk commodity products shipped annually through the ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert.

The NPGCC is incorporated as a Canadian not-for-profit organization, based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Core members of the NPGCC have entered a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate collaboration and achievement of interim and long-term goals.

The NPGCC’s initial Board of Directors is composed of:

Ian Anderson – Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, Teck

Linda Kongerslev – Director, Global Engagement & Sustainability, Oldendorff Carriers

François Bélanger – Senior Director, Sustainability, CN

Tatsuhiko Asami – General Manager, Business Group No. 1, NYK Bulk & Projects Carriers

Robert Booker – Chief Executive Officer, Trigon Pacific Terminals

Michael Lagowski – Senior Vice President, Coordination & Strategic Planning, Mitsubishi Canada Ltd.

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