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FlowSafe’s low operational cost option

(Posted on 14/01/19)

A new offset carbon neutral ballast water management system called FlowSafe, which can be installed at sea and runs at close to zero costs, has been designed by marine engineering firm Flow Water Technologies Ltd.

The modular turnkey system is compact and, with one machine and multiple ballast lines, is ideally designed for tankers or pump rooms, which are difficult to fit.

“We are launching an innovative ballast water treatment solution specifically for the shipping industry, especially for difficult to fit vessels, after extensive consultation with global ship owners and operators,” said Mark Hadfield, Chief Executive Officer, Flow Water.

“Using innovative technology, we have developed a safe and compliant system that is offset CO2 neutral, simple to use, and which offers close to no operational costs.”

FlowSafe, designed by Flow Water's team of marine engineers with over 25 years’ experience, is a filterless solution, which is offset carbon neutral as it requires no additional generators.

All ships are required to manage their ballast water since the implementation last September of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention)

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Convention is in place to ensure that aquatic organisms and pathogens are removed or rendered harmless before ballast water is released into a new location.

Flow Water Technologies Ltd, headquartered in Limassol, Cyprus, is a dedicated ballast water management engineering firm established by engineers with extensive experience in water treatment solutions.

Flow Water has established its own onsite training facility, the Flow Water Academy, developed in association with Frederick University to give students hands-on education and experience in the water ballasting process

“The Academy will train Cyprus Maritime Academy Students, technicians, and clients who purchase FlowSafe,“ said Hadfield

“It will become the first Academy in the world to offer International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certifications in water ballasting technology testing.

“Crew and owners will be able to work hands on with live ballast water using US Coast Guard (USCG) approved test equipment.

The Academy opened this month.

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