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CM Labs all-in-one Solution

(Posted on 28/05/19)

CM Labs Simulations, developer of Vortex training simulators, has announced the release of the Instructor Operating Station (IOS), CM Labs’ dedicated solution for directing, monitoring, and assessing trainees. Designed to complement CM Labs’ Vortex Port Equipment Simulators, the IOS provides rich functionality for directing engaging training sessions, while its monitoring tools enable a 360-degree perspective on trainee progress.

The IOS enables instructors to initiate Vortex simulator exercise sessions and engage trainees by exposing them to the types of variable conditions they will experience in the real world. Options include the ability to set time of day, as well as weather conditions including fog, wind speed, and direction. At any time, instructors can help operators train for unexpected occurrences, including climate events, snag loads, and mechanical failures.

Trainers can also adapt simulator exercises to their requirements with the Exercise Builder feature built into the IOS. This feature lets them create unlimited updates to existing training exercises, conduct post-incident reviews, and train for prevention of specific incidents.

All operating metrics are tracked by the IOS during training exercises, and rolled up into a single score that updates in real time. It is the only simulator training solution that gives trainers and managers the ability to customize this scoring system and establish their own benchmarks, if desired, according to the operator attributes they want to target.

It is also the only training solution that displays and captures a Container Path Tracing report in real time. This report indicates the trajectory of a container as it is manipulated by an operator, and provides the instructor with a report that helps trainees understand how to achieve the optimal, most productive path.

The IOS offers a host of other automated monitoring tools, including complete real-time recording and reporting of machine and performance data. At any point during the training session, instructors can add bookmarks and notes to the training session for later review.

“With the IOS, instructors can monitor operations from their seat,” says Seza Kouladjian, CM Labs’ Product Manager. “With the real-time 3D view, they can follow the progress of operators from any quayside vantage point.”

Instructors can obtain an “on the ground” perspective by controlling virtual characters within the terminal environment.

After each training session, the IOS generates reports that highlight scoring, selected instructor bookmarks, notes, and charts that allow organisations to objectively document trainee readiness, provide an indication of areas for improvement, and ultimately train a safer, more effective operator.

CM Labs builds simulation-based solutions to help clients design advanced equipment and prepare for skilled operations. Through its Vortex Studio platform, CM Labs provides capabilities for training simulators, mission rehearsal, virtual prototyping, and testing.

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