(Posted on 25/11/21)
The Swedish Club has launched a new online training programme, aimed at delivering proactive loss prevention services directly to its members and their crews wherever they are in the world. Loss Prevention Training – Online will enable seafarers and those onshore to benefit from the Club’s skills training, despite the restrictions of the current pandemic, by providing training resources that can be delivered at the most convenient and efficient time for course facilitators and participants.
Loss Prevention Training – Online was launched to members with a mini online training session aimed at giving participants a taste of the training in real life. It featured an animated video taken from a real-life scenario, a facilitated discussion session, and lessons learnt - all demonstrating how the training is delivered to crews.
With members joining the launch from around the world, initial feedback suggests that take up of the training amongst Club members will be significant.
“Our aim is to share the claims data and information we have with our members, to help them to train their seafarers to improve safety and reduce risk,” explains Lars Malm, Director Strategic Business Development & Client Relations at the Club.
“We hope that once the online loss prevention training modules are completed, our members will continue training their seafarers and equipping them with the key learning points from these cases, thereby reaching our ultimate goal of achieving greater safety levels in their fleets. The training materials have been carefully designed to provide added value to our members and to help them reduce their number of claims.
“The online training will, post pandemic, continue to add value to our members as a complement to our Emergency Response Training initiative," adds Malm.
Loss Prevention Training – Online currently features five modules, each centred around an animated video based on a typical onboard scenario relating to the crews’ daily operations and demonstrates how such accidents or incidents can be prevented. In addition, the modules feature a full synopsis, and voice-over PowerPoint slides which include guide questions for discussion and workshop participation, and lessons learnt. A facilitator guide is also included to assist those leading the training.
Case studies cover a range of scenarios which are taken from real life examples and feature an onboard accident during mooring, collision in restricted visibility, container fire due to misdeclared cargo, unexpected stowaways and dealing with a piracy attack.
An exchange of ideas is invited through group discussions, and a new online training platform provides easy online access to course materials, anytime, anywhere.
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