(Posted on 30/06/20)
V.GROUP, the leading global provider of ship management and marine support services, and Ocean Technologies Group, the leading provider of maritime learning and operational technologies, have entered a strategic partnership to offer best-in-class e-learning to V.Group personnel and customers.
Starting later this year, V.Group will leverage on Ocean Technologies Group’s digital platforms to provide innovative and industry leading integrated e-learning solutions to V.Group’s customers. The new solutions will include bespoke V.Group content, cutting-edge technologies in micro-learning, adaptive and gamified learning and virtual reality training developed by Ocean Technologies Group.
As part of the landmark cooperative agreement, the Marlins Maritime English assessment product and Marlins global ‘Approved Test Centre’ scheme will be transferred to Ocean Technologies Group and become part of its growing list of offerings.
V.Group’s CEO, Graham Westgarth, explains: “This is a symbiotic partnership. Ocean Technologies Group has brands that are recognised the world over as the best-in-class for maritime e-learning, while Marlins has an equally impressive reputation for English language testing.
“This deal highlights the importance of strategic partnerships. Our customers will benefit from the many and varied specialist product lines and services that Ocean Technologies Group companies provide whilst retaining the personalised approach that our customers expect from V.Group.
“The Covid-19 crisis serves to highlight the maritime industry’s increasing reliance on digital platforms. It’s clear that distance learning will become increasingly important to companies and individuals who need to meet legislative and industry requirements. E-learning is reliable and provides continuity because it is protected from the negative impact of global events.
“Above all else, this initiative will meet our key priority of delivering an added value service to our customers.”
Manish Singh, CEO of Ocean Technologies Group, added: “Blue-chip ship owners, operators and managers recognise that the fast-changing operating environment requires each stakeholder to focus on their core competencies. Our customers realise that strategic partnerships with Ocean Technologies Group based on core strengths and expertise deliver economies of scale and offer best solutions to their crew and customers.
“This partnership enables V.Group to deliver the most effective ‘through-career learning support’ for their personnel and provide a greater customer service globally. Their customers will enjoy a seamless transition to a more comprehensive offering.
“Ocean Technologies Group serves over a million seafarers and is investing as much as $30 million in developing the future-ready learning solutions that our customers will rely on. This is in sharper focus than ever after the significant Covid disruption reshaped the way seafarers are trained.
“This new global partnership provides a great opportunity for V.Group personnel and customers to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing sector.
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