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Stay home – stay connected with IBJ

Stay home – stay connected with IBJ

(Posted on 09/04/20)

IBJ is doing its best to keep the global bulk shipping and cargo handling industry connected as the coronavirus pandemic affects everyone in our professional and personal lives

Staying safe is a top priority for us on IBJ and we hope that you, your colleagues and loved ones are safe and sound.

The IBJ team are all working from home. However, we are doing our best to keep to business as usual, as we want to keep you in touch with important developments in the maritime bulk world.

Therefore, without any disruption, you will be receive your IBJ e-newsletter as usual, which connects in to all of the news on the IBJ website.

Please let your colleagues know that they can subscribe for free at the bottom of our homepage www.ibj-online.com

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Increased copper and iron ore production for BHP

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BHP have released their operational review for the quarter ended 30 September 2024.BHP Chief Executive... Read more

Safety a priority as Rio Tinto releases Q3 production results

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Rio Tinto is continuing to prioritise learning from safety incidents to improve the effectiveness of... Read more

IFA and Proba launch global programme for GHG emissions reduction

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The International Fertilizer Association (IFA) is partnering with supply chain decarbonization startup... Read more

Export Exchange 2024 wraps up as trade teams head across the USA

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The Board of Directors of the International Copper Association (ICA) has elected Stephen Rowland, Glencore... Read more

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Potential disruptions to the nation’s shipping infrastructure could have a devastating effect... Read more

ADM adds non-GM capabilities in Hungary

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Financial community visit Rio Tinto North American operations

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Rio Tinto is hosting a site visit for the financial community this week to its Aluminium and Iron &... Read more

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