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Rusal publishes sustainability report

(Posted on 06/07/20)

RUSAL, a leading global aluminium producer, has published its annual Sustainability Report on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

The report outlines the Company's sustainable development strategy and includes information on measures taken to reduce its carbon footprint and emissions, social policy, efforts to develop the regions where it operates, investment in technology and environmental innovations, labor protection and other data.

Information is collected in accordance with the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the exchange's listing rules. The Company also discloses the data collected in reports to state and regulatory authorities (the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Federal Process, Environmental and Nuclear Supervision Service (Rostekhnadzor) and others), which guarantees the objectivity and accuracy of the information.

Since 2017, the publication of sustainability reports has been required under the listing rules at the Hong Kong stock exchange, where RUSAL had its IPO in 2010. In accordance with the rules of ESG criteria publication, RUSAL’s latest Sustainability Report has 166 additional disclosures (compared to those required under GRI reporting standards) including the system of corporate environmental and social risk management, recent corporate policies and regulations, information on obligations to the legislation of the territory of presence and more detailed information on the key areas of sustainable development. RUSAL is the only company in Russia to provide this level of transparency and detailed disclosure around its sustainability practices.

The preparation and publication of a sustainability report is an important practice for companies who attach great value to global ESG standards and prioritize the principles of sustainable development. RUSAL has been publishing a Sustainability Report since 2004, demonstrating its long-standing commitment to transparency and information disclosure. Publication of a sustainability report is one of the requirements of the UN Global compact, which RUSAL joined in 2002, and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. The report is published in Russian, English, and Chinese. In this year's report, special attention has been paid to the following sections: "Sustainable development strategy", "Climate change and energy efficiency" and "Ethics and human rights".

"The course towards sustainable development is one of the driving factors shaping the business model of RUSAL. We see that the measures the Company is taking to reduce its carbon footprint have been positively received by the investment and consumer communities who have been guided by reliable indicators published in the Sustainability Report," said Evgenii Nikitin, CEO of RUSAL.

RUSAL is a leader of the global aluminium industry. In 2019, the Company accounted for about 5.9% of global production of aluminium and 6.3% of alumina production. RUSAL's offices are operating in 20 countries all over the world and across 5 continents. RUSAL common stock is traded at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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