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Replacing rope cranes

(Posted on 08/06/18)

A few years ago the first E-Crane was installed in Desa Muara Kaman, Kota Bangun, situated where the Kedang Kepala and Mahakam River meet. Fast forward to May 2018, and another E-Craneinstallation is underway near Balikpapan on the Indonesian island of Kalimantan.

The past week was used to meticulously prepare the different components for the erection process. Shipping brackets were removed, hoses connected, pins installed and all major components were loaded onto the crane barge used for the installation. This way the major lifts can be completed in quick succession. All of this this was done in order to reduce the impact to the fully operational coal terminal, a true balancing act for all involved but a task everyone is up to.

After a successful initialmeeting at BCT the first major item (column) of a 2000 Series E-Cranewith 32 meters outreach was lifted in place by our erection crew, in close cooperation with our client’s team. In the following days the chassis, power module, cab and walkways will be installed after which all electrical and hydraulic connections can be completed. Once this is done, the boom, arm and counterweight can be installed.

Just after the first E-Crane installation has been completed, one of the existing rope cranes will be torn down, and the process will begin again. The second identical E-Crane can be installed to replace it, repeating the balancing act to quickly and successfully install the new E-Crane while minimizing any disruption to the coal terminal. Each of the new cranes will have a design unloading capacity of 1.500 tons per hour and can unload deck barges up to 12.000 DWT into two dedicated hoppers each.

Balikpapan Coal Terminal (BCT) is one the largest coal terminals in Indonesia located in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. BCT is managed by PT Dermaga Perkasa Pratama, the subsidiary of PT Bayan Resources Tbk, and equipped with shiploading and unloading berths. BCT has a handling throughput capacity of 15.0 million tonnes per annum and a stockpiling capacity of approximately one million tons across 16 stockpiles. It is also able to serve Handy, Panamax and Capesize vessels. BCT also has a loading facility with capacity of 4,000 tonnes per hour, enabling it to load a Panamax size vessel in one day. Other than that, BCT also has unloading facility with 5,000 tonnes per hourcapacity and is able to unload coal from 2 barges simultaneously. BCT is facilitated to mix coals from 4 stockpiles with computerized system to meet customer specifications.

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