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Oldendorff Carriers announces change of leadership

Oldendorff Carriers announces change of leadership

(Posted on 28/03/23)

The board of Oldendorff Carriers, has appointed Patrick Hutchins as the new President and CEO of the company.

Patrick succeeds Peter Twiss, who has decided to step down after having served the company for nearly 28 years. Peters’ outstanding career started at Concept Carriers in 1995, a start-up company which was established by owner Henning Oldendorff as an operating arm, with the aim of moving closer to the cargo clients.

Peter quickly rose through the ranks, and after running Concept Carriers in the late 90s and being co-CEO of Oldendorff Carriers, he became its sole CEO in January 2003.

Peter introduced and cultivated a unique form of bottom-up management, empowering people to make their own decisions, which was hugely motivating and made them strive for more. Last year, the company achieved its best result in its 102-year history and increased its shore-side staff by around 10%. On the back of this success, we became a market leader in several dry bulk trades.

Peter chose to retire now because the job of President and CEO of Oldendorff Carriers is a challenging one and Peter gave it his all for more than 20 years. He wanted to leave when everything was in good order. Peter always said: “Timing is everything in shipping”. He also said: “Another main reason for leaving now is that I have trained and mentored many Oldendorff employees. They have made me very proud, and I want them to have the same opportunities that I had when I was younger. By making room at the top, it gives employees a chance to move up.”

In the words of company chairman Henning Oldendorff: "Thanks to Peter's leadership and constant coaching, the company is in an excellent shape and running on all cylinders. Peter chose this moment, making sure he is handing over a robust company."

Henning commented "For more than 25 years, Peter and I enjoyed a close working relationship, built on trust and friendship, for which I will be forever grateful. Together with our people and our global board, we have enjoyed countless adventures and weathered many storms. Peter will be around to support and assist the new CEO for as long as is required."

Patrick Hutchins brings with him a wealth of experience, having overseen the commercial teams at Oldendorff Carriers for all trades and all different vessel sizes, most recently heading the Capesize segment. He joined the company in October 1999 and was a founding board member in 2007. Patrick stated: “This handover is a celebration for the wonderful things Peter Twiss has achieved in his tenure as CEO at Oldendorff Carriers. He leaves the company in the best of shape, and I sincerely believe we can build on his achievements to take the company forward.”

Due to Patrick's experience and leadership skills, it was a natural decision for the board to appoint him as the next CEO. Patrick will relocate to Germany and seeks to expand on Peter's success.

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