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Martin trains Tata Steel staff

(Posted on 15/06/18)

A global leader in bulk handling equipment has helped one of the largest steel manufacturers in the world to train new staff on conveyor operations and safety at one of the company’s newest facilities. After expanding the existing plant, Tata Steel Limited constructed a dedicated training facility and invited Martin Engineering to spearhead the equipment and safety curriculum using its popular Foundations reference book series, which focuses on productivity and safety. The company also installed full-sized conveyor sections so that trainees could experience each component in a controlled learning atmosphere. The program is helping Tata Steel develop a large staff of knowledgeable new technicians and managers with the skills required to operate safely in a contemporary bulk handling environment.

“The training centre was newly established for our fresh hires,” said Rutu Ranjan Padhi, Head of Training & Development for Tata Steel. “We were confident the trainees would benefit greatly from the courses and life-sized models.”

Located near the East Central coast of India in the State of Odisha, Tata Steel, one of the country's largest steel producers, expanded upon the plant originally envisaged in 2004. In 2015, it increased the facility’s production capacity to 3 million m/t (5.5 mil. s/t) annually, taking the company's total domestic steel output to 13 million m/t (19.5 mil. s/t) per year.

The expansion was also intended to benefit the largely underdeveloped Kalinga Nagar inland tribal area that was in need of employment, skills training and resources. Considered one of the fastest growing economies in the country, Odisha is attractive to both domestic and foreign investment, with growing urban areas along its extensive

coastline. However, due to its relative isolation, the inland population had not yet caught up to the rapidly advancing urban culture. Dedicated to the principals of a safe workplace, the collaborative effort offers local hires structured and intensive training on bulk material handling, since few had access to vocational education and many had never seen a conveyor before.

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