(Posted on 18/11/19)
Torvald Klaveness has for decades had a strong presence in the dry bulk shipping market. Klaveness Combination Carriers has dry bulk as one of its target markets, and Klaveness Digital, through its CargoValue platform, offer a unique solution for companies sourcing and shipping dry and wet raw materials at sea.
Through Klaveness Chartering, Torvald Klaveness is a leading dry bulk operator serving charterers and owners all over the world. Klaveness Chartering has had a particular stronghold in the Panamax, Kamsarmax and Post-Panamax segments and there are significant synergies with the rest of the group in this activity. In order to grow and develop this business further, Klaveness will through its offices in Singapore, Dubai and Oslo, have a primary focus on the Panamax to Post-Panamax segment going forward. As a consequence, Klaveness Chartering will scale down its activity in the Supramax segment.
Lasse Kristoffersen, CEO Torvald Klaveness says, “We have a wide portfolio of activities in our group and have concluded that to grow and develop we need to focus our efforts where we have the strongest competitive positions. We have a lot to offer our customers in the Panamax segment and will continue to develop our presence and service together with them. This also means that we will do less business in the Supramax segment, but our customers can rest assured that we will honor all our commitments and also find good solutions for them going forward”.
Torvald Klaveness is also a leading pool manager of dry bulk vessels through its pools Baumarine and Bulkhandling. These activities have significant growth opportunities and there are ongoing discussions with potential external partners to develop this activity in partnership. These discussions are expected to be concluded over the next few months.
Lasse Kristoffersen says, “Our pools are seen as market leading and have significant potential for growth. We believe this can best be achieved through close partnerships with other leading players and we are confident that we will be able to deliver an even better product to more owners in the future”.
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