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IHMA announces first ever Port Operations Awards

(Posted on 19/07/18)

IHMA is delighted that its initiative to introduce awards highlighting the contribution of people and organisations to port operations has met with such a positive response. The first ever IHMA awards were announced at the Association’s biennial Congress Dinner held at the Headquarters of the International Maritime Organization on 27 June 2018.

The Safe, Efficient and Secure Port Award This award is made to an individual, port or company for its contribution to port efficiency taking account of safety and security. The scope and relevance of the port or project, its sustainability, applicability, innovation and measurable impact on day to day operations were considered by the judges. The winner of this award has implemented innovative port optimisation and risk management technologies that mitigate the risk of grounding within the port channel and the potential to block access to the port. Given the value of trade through the port, grounding would have far reaching consequences not only for this port’s operations and its customers, but also the State and national economy. Therefore, the risks must be carefully managed having consideration for all the operational factors, including the channel profile, environmental conditions, geographic constraints, and vessel characteristics. The maintenance of a safe under-keel clearance (UKC) is a prime concern of harbour masters and this port’s close cooperation with an industry partner has provided a consistent and scientific approach to under-keel clearance dynamically and in real-time.

Furthermore, this company’s product has increased the available sailing drafts and windows over the static UKC requirements, enabling more time for vessels to sail and increasing the separation distance between vessels in convoy. In addition the product has applications in other aspects of of port operations including dredging, and the requirements and limitations of port assets and services such as loader rates, mooring technologies, pilots and tugs. The IHMA Safe, Efficient and Secure Port Award is made to Pilbara Ports Authority for UKC management at Port Hedland in conjunction with IHMA Commercial Member OMC International.

With more than 230 members in 50 countries, the IHMA, founded in 1996, brings together marine professionals responsible for the safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sound conduct of marine operations in port waters into one professional body.

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