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Day of the Seafarer focuses on environment commitment

Day of the Seafarer focuses on environment commitment

(Posted on 23/06/23)

The International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (INTERCARGO) has released a statement on the Day pf the Seafarer. INTERCARGO represents the interests of quality dry cargo shipowners. It convened for the first time in 1980 in London and has been participating with consultative status at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) since 1993.

“As the drive to protect our oceans gains momentum, INTERCARGO celebrates Day of the Seafarer 2023 which, this year, focuses on seafarers' contributions to protecting the marine environment, in line with the World Maritime theme “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on” #OceansWorthProtecting

Seafarers play a huge and important part in protecting the marine environment. Collaboration is vital as we all work together to bring about not only a cleaner and safer dry bulk sector but also an improved industry as a whole.

Moreover, on this day, we want to thank the men and women who make up our more than 1.6 million seafarers, working all around the world and often spending a long time away from their homes and loved ones. It is also a day to celebrate all they achieve in terms of career progression and satisfaction in what is a very rewarding industry to work in.

Of these seafarers, more than 350,000 serve the bulk carrier sector, crewing more than 13,000 vessels, transporting essential cargoes such as food, energy and raw materials. Many will go on from their seafaring careers to enjoy further success in roles onshore, whether it be as a marine surveyor, engineer or trainer, all drawing from their experience and time at sea. The seafarers of today are the industry leaders of the future, re-shaping the maritime industry by improving standards at sea for the safe operation of ships.”

INTERCARGO provides the forum where dry bulk shipowners, managers and operators are informed about, discuss and share concerns on key topics and regulatory challenges, especially in relation to safety, the environment and operational excellence. The Association takes forward its Members’ positions to the IMO, as well as to other shipping and international industry fora, having free and fair competition as a principle.

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