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A first for Liebherr in the USA

A first for Liebherr in the USA

(Posted on 18/02/20)

North Carolina Ports has opted for a new Liebherr portals lewing crane type LPS 420. The

multi purpose machine is equipped with a special designed curve traveling gear that

allows the crane to travel a 90 degree curve with a inner radius of 90 metres. The fully

assembled crane was handed over in autum 2019.

In autum 2019 Liebherr Maritime Cranes handed over the first rail mounted gantry harbour crane

to the United States of America. The customer North Carolina Ports (NCP) opted for a Liebherr LPS 420

with a special designed curve running gear for its terminal at the Port of Morehead City.

The special design of NCP's terminal required the crane to be ready for operation at all quay

edges of the rectangular terminal. To ensure this, the rail-mounted gantry crane was

equipped with a special curve running gear. This allows the crane to travel through a 90

degree bend with an inner curve radius of 90 metres.

“The addition of the new LPS 420 rail-mounted gantry crane at the Port of Morehead City

represents North Carolina Ports’ commitment to investing in the future and long-term

success of the Port, its customers and the North Carolina economy. The new crane will

enable us to more efficiently handle a diverse range of cargoes and ultimately better meet

customer demand.” – Paul J. Cozza, North Carolina Ports Executive Director

Multi Purpose Crane

The Port of Morehead City is a breakbulk and bulk facility, is one of the deepest on the

United States East Coast, and it’s just four miles from the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, the new

LPS 420 is equipped as a multi-purpose crane and will be used by North Carolina Ports

mainly for handling grain and fertilizer. It is also used for various project cargoes, including

parts of wind turbines, trains and rails. The crane was shipped fully assembled. Which

means, no time-consuming assembly was required on site and the crane was ready for

operation shortly after unloading.

About North Carolina Ports

North Carolina’s ports in Wilmington and Morehead City and Charlotte Inland Port link the

state’s consumers, business and industry to world markets and serve as magnets to attract

new business and industry to the State of North Carolina.

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