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100th Liebherr MHC in Spain

100th Liebherr MHC in Spain

(Posted on 18/11/19)

Liebherr has handed over the 100th Liebherr mobile harbour crane, a new LHM 600, to the Spanish customer Maritima del Principado

in Gijón. Spain is now the third country in the world, alongside Russia and India,

with a fleet of 100 or more Liebherr mobile harbour cranes.

Liebherr maritime cranes reached another milestone. Liebherr representatives of the

maritime cranes headquarters in Rostock, Germany handed over the 100th LHM to the

Spanish customer Maritima del Principado. The ceremony took place in Gijón, Spain.

The new machine is an LHM 600 and belongs to Generation 5, the latest technical

development stage in the Liebherr Mobile Harbour Crane program.

The history of the Liebherr mobile harbour crane in Spain started more than 27 years

In 1992 Liebherr delivered its first mobile harbour crane to Spain. It was

an LHM 1300. The crane was like many Liebherr products a pioneer of its time. A

highly innovative and reliable crane in the market. The LHM 1300 proves its durability

every day again, because it is still in operation in Spain.

“Today the population of mobile harbour cranes in Spain is at a high level of 179

machines in total,” comments Andreas Müller, Sales Director of Liebherr Mobile

Harbour Cranes. “We at Liebherr maritime cranes are very proud to have achieved a

market share of more than 55%. This great trust of our customers in us and our

products and services shows that the Liebherr company philosophy is also lived in


There are only two other countries in the world that have a fleet of Liebherr mobile

harbour cranes of 100 or even more machines. The first country to reach this magical

mark was Russia, closely followed by India. With the recent handover of the LHM 600

to Maritima del Principado, Liebherr was now able to support 100 customers in Spain

with its effective Mobile Harbour Crane technology. There will certainly be many more

satisfied customers to follow.

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